Friday, June 28, 2013

One of the Top Juniors

One of the Upcoming Top Juniors

Below is a video clip of one of the top juniors around the area that I teach. The instructions of the material that are being discussed are far more advanced in comparison to the previous material that I have posted thus far. I would just like to share some of the talent that is in the area.

Thought Process

In the video, there are two areas in focus: the second serve (thought process) and the groundstrokes (thought process). Notice how I am saying certain words that represent other information. This way, she can say them to herself and this will allow for her to feel the same way and gain comfort and confidence in applying the concepts.


When looking at the slow motion of Julia's forehand, you can see all of the steps that are discussed in my post called: Groundstrokes. She executes these steps almost perfectly... due to her commitment to the unique thought process for her at this time. When looking at her ground strokes after the slow motion portion, one can see how her hands stay inside her body after contact. This is not good... because it means she is tense and is associating swinging faster with hitting the ball harder instead of using her movement, relaxation and timing of everything moving in unison to hit an effortless, solid groundstroke.

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